Veterans Day Ceremony recap

The annual Veterans Day ceremony was held at the Great Falls Freedom Memorial on November 11, 2023. The event featured a Boy Scout color guard, patriotic songs performed by Great Falls youths Lucia and Allithia Aguilar, Maya Sachdev, and MacPhearson Strassberg, an invocation and benediction by lay pastor Bob Newhall, and a keynote address by Great Falls native Bruce Ellis Fein, a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserves.

Video of the event can be viewed below or by clicking here. Photos of the event can be seen on our Facebook page by clicking here.

Veterans Day Ceremony 2022 Recap

The 2022 Veterans Day Ceremony honored veterans from Great Falls and all who have served in the Armed Forces. The ceremony featured a presentation of the colors by Boy Scout Troop 55, the Pledge of Allegiance led by the Boy Scouts and Brownie Troop 51156, patriotic songs by the Langley Madrigals, and remarks by retired Army Command Sergeant Major Howard E. “Howie” Urban. Video of the ceremony can be seen below or by clicking here.

Veterans Day Ceremony recap

The 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony honored veterans from Great Falls and all who have served in the Armed Forces. The ceremony featured an Air Force color guard, patriotic songs by the Langley Madigrals, and remarks by retired Army two-star general George F. Close. The Great Falls Connection article about the ceremony can be seen by clicking the cover-page image above or here. Video of the ceremony can be seen below or by clicking here.