Gazette Leader Coverage of 9/11/24 Remembrance Ceremony

9/11 ceremony notes impact on Great Falls, resilience of residents


Six residents from community died in 2001 terrorist attacks

More than 160 members of the Great Falls community and surrounding areas turned out for the annual commemoration of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The event and vigil was held at the Great Falls Freedom Memorial.

“I was one of the lucky ones,” said retired U.S. Navy Adm. Lou Crenshaw, who was in the Pentagon when it was struck by a hijacked airliner.

Others, he noted, were not so fortunate, including six Great Falls residents who were in the hijacked plans that day: Ann Judge, Lisa Rains, George and Diane Simmons, Barbara Olson and U.S. Marine 1st Lt. Richard Gabriel.

“They are all heroes in my book,” Crenshaw said, urging attendees to be prepared for challenges and “develop a mindset to help others by doing things that put other people first.”

“When you see or are involved in the next crisis, or emergency, or difficult situation – turn toward it,” he said. “Because you have discarded the ‘me-too’ attitude, you have the tools to deal with the problem and you remember the footprints left in the sand by Ann, Lisa, George, Diane, Barbara and Richard. That’s the most fitting way to honor them.”

Among those participating in the event were members of Boy Scout Troop 55 (color guard), Erin Gantt (leading the National Anthem) and Jonathan Torres (presenting Taps). Great Falls Freedom Memorial board president Andy Wilson welcomed dignitaries.

9-11 Remembrance Ceremony, September 11, 2024

9-11 Flag at Pentagon

On Wednesday, September 11, at 7 o’clock p.m., the annual 9-11 Remembrance Ceremony will be held at the Great Falls Freedom Memorial to honor the six residents of Great Falls and all others who lost their lives and suffered in the attacks and the aftermath.  The keynote speaker will be Vice Admiral Lou Crenshaw, United States Navy (Retired).  A return performance by singer Erin Gantt will feature patriotic songs.

The Freedom Memorial is located behind the Great Falls Library at 9830 Georgetown Pike. The ceremony is open to all. Parking is available in the library parking lot. In case of rain, the ceremony will move to the Grange. Limited seating and shelter will be provided. Attendees are encouraged but not required to bring portable chairs.

Updates to the schedule will be posted at

Memorial Day Ceremony 2024 recap

On Monday, May 27, at 11:00 a.m., the annual Memorial Day ceremony was held at the Great Falls Freedom Memorial to honor the residents of Great Falls and all others who have given “the last full measure of devotion” to their country.  The event featured an invocation by lay minister Bob Newhall, a Boy Scout color guard and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Boy and Girl Scout Troops. Patriotic songs were led by sisters Lucia and Allithia Aguilar, who are students at Langley High School and Cooper Middle School.  “Amazing Grace” was performed on the bagpipes by Great Falls student MacPhearson Strassberg.  Andy Wilson, President of the Great Falls Freedom Memorial Board and an Army Ranger veteran, delivered the keynote speech. “Taps” was bugled by student Steve Kramp.  Memorial Day poppies were distributed and a wreath-laying for natives of Great Falls killed in battle was conducted.  The Freedom Bell donated by David Lucien was rung as names were read.

A video of the event can be found by clicking here or below: